Sunday, June 20, 2010

this little piggy went to market

Today we want to our final Dupont Market for the summer. We have one more farmer's market while I'm here, and then another market in July. Otherwise we shall be creating beautiful yarns for the fall. We had a rather successful day today, despite the heat and humidity, which was awful. I thought I was going to melt, but I was saved by a short trip to a bookstore on the next street. Gretchen told me to check it out, and I told her that was a bad idea, but she urged me on. It's her fault! I bought two lovely books today. Two classic pieces of literature which I can hardly wait to devour. Like I have time to read! HA! Actually, I did get a substantial chunk of reading done this afternoon while working on the test sock I'm knitting. I got through 6 chapters of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Anyway, I was so excited after the market because we sold two, count 'em, two! of my yarns today! I know, it doesn't sound like much, but I feel like my babies are out making a difference in the world, and it makes me happy. That and the fact that I did not get burnt today! The old sun burn is finally starting to resolve itself. Thank heavens, because I am tired of being itchy! But I'm sure the mosquitoes will see to dissolving that small pleasure. They always find me. Its like they know. I should probably get some sleep. We're back to making yarn tomorrow!

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