Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the begining

Today I left the farm for the first time since I arrived here. I spent the day with Sue. First we went to a guild meeting. They were working on baby blankets. Here's a few of the squares they were working on. After the meeting, we went to skirt. No, I wasn't buying skirts to wear to the next square dance. I was picking out the shorn fleeces for the yarns. This is where yarn really begins, with the sheep. We picked out a few grey fleeces, a few white fleeces, and some beautiful black fleeces.This one is considered black. The lighter patches are sun-bleached. It will all get blended together when it's ready, but I think it's pretty as is. We also picked up some pretty flowers today! There will be more pictures later, for now, its bedtime.


  1. wow. I'm drooling....this looks like a really cool adventure. [yeah, that's the correct time; I goofed setting my alarm for work today and got up wayyyy too early. HUGS, and keep on working.]

  2. I'm excited for you. Enjoy.
